:: Tarot Reader Software ::

Get the exclusive Tarot Reader software here and help support Embracing Mystery!
November 09, 2005

Comments from the creator of the software:

The software was written in VB5. I moved it to VB.net once, but it was bigger and didn't seem all that cooler.

It runs on Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, and NT.

The program requires about 1 megabyte of disc space. It uses about 6 MB of ram while it's running and will work on anything from a Pentium 1 system on up to the latest stuff.

The program "reads" a the tarot for you in two ways. You can do the classic "Celtic Cross" or the "Tree of Life" style reading by selecting from the options menu. You can ask a specific question each time or get a general reading.

What the program does is randomly shuffle the digital deck and then lays out a spread of cards. The computer keeps track of which cards are in which position and whether they're right-side up or inverted.

As you click the "uncover" button, the computer reveals one more card in the spread to you. The display shows you the meaning of the current cards position and many classic interpretations of the card. It's up to you to decide which one applies. Some other information about the card that your currently viewing is available, such as Qabbalistic and elemental associations.

The whole reading is stored in a main window so that you can review the previous cards at any time. Finally, when your reading is done, you can choose to save it as a text file to review later.

Embracing Mystery is proud to offer this software to everyone. We ask a $5 donation. Proceeds go towards hosting costs and upkeep of this site and our forum. Please click the Buy It Now button below to securely send payment. Upon receipt, we will send you the complete .zip file for your personal use.

$5 donation


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